[blindlaw] ADA question

Susan Kelly Susan.Kelly at pima.gov
Thu Jul 31 15:07:40 UTC 2014

I am employed by a local (county public defender) government agency.  Over the years, my direct supervisor and I have battled with our bosses and the county over the provision of adequate computers and related accommodations to allow me to continue to be effective in my position, which I have held since before becoming blind.  We have repeatedly been put off and promised that eventually things would be stabilized; in the meantime, I am expected to continue to work at the same pace as before I lost my vision.  As a result, my family and I have scrimped and saved in order to expend our own money in an effort to procure tools to assist me in my work, which the office has refused to compensate in any way.

The latest issue that has arisen is due to a re-design of the appellate court web-site that has rendered it largely inaccessible.  This, in turn, has required even more after hours work by myself and my assistant, who verbally records all disclosure and transcripts which cannot be read or made intelligible by JAWS, as well as doing all of the work necessary in the wholly inaccessible electronic file management system which was purchased by our main office.  At this point, I would estimate that each of us puts in roughly 10 to 12 hours per day, plus an additional 5 or 6 hours on the weekends, just to keep up with the expected workload.  Of course, we are only paid based upon a 40 hour / week basis.  We have just learned that the main office has absolutely no intention of upgrading or replacing my equipment, and believes that the appellate court issue is not their problem.  The appellate court appears to have a similar attitude, despite the recent settlement agreement in another state.

I appreciate the fact that I at least have a paying job, and do not wish to risk that.  However, if anyone has any suggestions as to how we might encourage my office to actually provide a reasonable accommodation?

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