[blindlaw] Introduction and hoping to meet some of you at NABL

James Fetter jtfetter at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 5 17:33:47 UTC 2015

Dear All,
I hope you all had an enjoyable Fourth of July Weekend. I am writing to 
introduce myself and look forward to meeting some of you at the NABL 
meeting on Tuesday. I will be starting law school at Ohio State in the 
fall with the intent of doing some sort of disability advocacy work; I 
am open to working in this field full-time, if circumstances permit, or 
to doing such work pro bono or as a portion of my full-time job. I 
previously received my Ph.D. in political philosophy from Notre Dame, so 
I have some philosophical interests and inclinations as well, and if 
possible, I hope to work more on the policy side in crafting 
regulations, best practices, etc or taking other steps to ensure that 
accessibility is not an afterthought for various companies, government 
agencies, and other major employers. I would very much enjoy meeting and 
networking with those of you who have similar or related interests at 
the upcoming NABL meeting, and I wish you all a happy and successful summer.
James Fetter

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