[blindlaw] School transportation

Andrew Webb awebb2168 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 21:34:04 UTC 2015



A blind parent will be sending a child to the local public school beginning
in the fall.  There are some transportation issues and the parent is really
hoping to have school bus service for the child.  However, the school
district has a general policy limiting bus service to students who live at
least a certain distance away from the school, and this family lives closer
than that distance.    The parent is a capable traveler but there are some
formidable travel obstacles between home and school in this case,
particularly in inclement winter weather.


The student in question does not have any disability, thus there is no IEP
and no 504 plan, thus no obligation for the school to provide transportation
as a special education service.  That said, is anyone here aware of any
argument based on the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, or otherwise to the effect
that the school must provide this child with transportation, so as not to
discriminate against the parent on the basis of the parent's disability?


Incidentally, the child is far too young to travel independently between
home and school.


All feedback is appreciated.




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