[blindLaw] Extra time for law exams

Rahul Bajaj rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 06:51:09 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I am wondering how much extra time you normally ask for for law exams and actually require. I gave my exams on the computer for the first time this year in a set of postgraduate exams and was offered 100% extra and took it. I did not have a realistic assessment at the time of how much I would need, not having given exams in this fashion before.

I realized later, however, that perhaps 1-third extra would have sufficed, at least for 3 out of 4 exams. In such a situation, do you think one should voluntarily relinquish the unneeded extra time, so as to be assessed on the same terms as your ablebodied counterparts? I tried to put a self-imposed time limit below the 100% extra time but ended up not really being able to adhere to it, as it was not a serious deadline.   Further, part of the reason why I took 100% extra was because I was afraid there’d be a tech breakdown - this had happened the year before and also because I was given a keyboard with a layout radically different from my own for the exam.

I suppose that concern can be addressed by asking the examiners to make it clear in the adjustment instructions that the clock will be tolled whenever there is a tech problem.


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