[blindLaw] Looking for Panelist for Digital Accessibility Webinar

Michal Nowicki mnowicki4 at iCloud.com
Thu Jun 18 22:52:09 UTC 2020

Dear Listmates,

I hope this message finds you all well.

I am preparing to host a webinar, sponsored by the Cloud Communications Alliance, educating providers of communications services, Internet-based solutions, and other information technologies on how they can turn accessibility compliance into business opportunities. I will present along with the Chief of the Federal Communications Commission Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Disability Rights Office, and I am seeking a third panelist.

I am specifically looking for a professional in the technology business who deals with disabilities who could provide a “business vantage point” supporting the central theme of the webinar: accessibility creates meaningful business opportunities. Having a background in communications would be ideal but is not required. The key is to get someone from the tech industry who is qualified to discuss the costs and benefits of digital accessibility, and who can successfully drive home the message that accessibility is a worthwhile investment.

If you satisfy these criteria and are interested in joining the panel, or if you know someone who might be suitable, please contact me off-list at mjn at commlawgroup.com.



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