[blindLaw] The blue book, blue booking

Maura Kutnyak maurakutnyak at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 00:45:00 UTC 2020

Hello everyone:

I am writing today in search of someone who has time and interest in discussing the subject line above.

I am a product of the 1980s and 1990s school system. Therefore, having had some light perception at that time, Braille was not presented as my one and only/optimal text Resource. With this in mind, the advice I seek is regarding the digital realm of the bluebook.

I am of course reaching out to other sources for information. My legal writing and research professor, my local Center for assistive technology, and I have a subscription to the digital blue book and a copy from Book share. It seems that there is no particular authority on this and I have to knit together a plan for moving forward.

Please call the number below or email if by any chance you have some thoughts to share. Thanks so much everybody for your ongoing support.

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