[blindLaw] Fighting together: A blind lawyer on his journey clerking for Supreme Court Justice Chandrachud

Rahul Bajaj rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 16:27:16 UTC 2021

They do have relevance in other jurisdictions, of course. I just found it profoundly tone-deaf and presumptuous to cite chapter and verse about what can be done better in a completely different jurisdiction from the one that the article is about. Without even acknowledging that you were doing so. As though American law is a shared vocabulary here that everyone should know.


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From: tim at timeldermusic.com <tim at timeldermusic.com>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 9:09:50 PM
To: 'Rahul Bajaj' <rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com>
Cc: blindlaw at nfbnet.org <blindlaw at nfbnet.org>
Subject: RE: [blindLaw] Fighting together: A blind lawyer on his journey clerking for Supreme Court Justice Chandrachud


I don't mean to detract from the issues that blind lawyers around the world experience.  I cannot speak to practical specifics about lawyers in other jurisdictions.  Being as the super majority of the people on this list are U.S. attorneys or law students, I merely meant to highlight some improvements we can make in the U.S. in consideration of your great article.  Would searchability and artificial intelligence applications have no relevance to other PDF filing systems outside of the United States?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rahul Bajaj <rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2021 1:47 PM
To: tim at timeldermusic.com
Cc: blindlaw at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [blindLaw] Fighting together: A blind lawyer on his journey clerking for Supreme Court Justice Chandrachud

Thanks, Vaughn and Tim.

Tim, you'll forgive me for my impertinence, but the US is not the only jurisdiction in the world in which there exist blind lawyers. Given what country the article was about, some suggestions that were not so insular and myopic in scope would have certainly made me feel better.


On 13/09/2021, tim at timeldermusic.com <tim at timeldermusic.com> wrote:
> Nice article.  Also, a reminder that accessible PDFs are searchable
> and can be analyzed by artificial intelligence.
> There is no reason ECF/PACER couldn't have an automatic policy
> rejecting any filing that lacked text.  Perhaps some categories get
> excluded for pro se and exhibits.  Relying on local rule for such policies is not workable.
> Maybe someone at the AOC could implement this instead of wasting time
> on web accessibility overlays.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rahul Bajaj <rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 1:05 PM
> To: blindlaw at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [blindLaw] Fighting together: A blind lawyer on his
> journey clerking for Supreme Court Justice Chandrachud
> Hi,
> I just realized that the link in the previous mail was broken. Here is
> the correct link:
> https://scroll.in/article/1004657/fighting-together-a-blind-lawyer-on-
> his-journey-clerking-for-supreme-court-justice-chandrachud
> Rahul
> On 08/09/2021, Rahul Bajaj <rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> link:
>> https://scroll.in/­article/1004657/­fighting-together-a-b­lind-lawyer
>> -
>> on-his-j­ourney-clerking-for-­supreme-court-justic­e-chandrachud?fbcl
>> i d­=IwAR1txMKfjOUdw09I4­yEAWVJ3WOIBSo8pqGrDL­eJZ_LwXD9WAhmtqOyR2Y­7c
>> Rahul
>> --
>> --
>> Rahul Bajaj
>> Senior Resident Fellow,
>> Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, New Delhi, India Rhodes Scholar (India
>> and Linacre 2018) University of Oxford
> --
> --
> Rahul Bajaj
> Senior Resident Fellow,
> Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, New Delhi, India Rhodes Scholar (India
> and Linacre 2018) University of Oxford

Rahul Bajaj
Senior Resident Fellow,
Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, New Delhi, India Rhodes Scholar (India and Linacre 2018) University of Oxford

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