[blindLaw] Firearms and the Blind?

Seif-Eldeen Saqallah seifs at umich.edu
Wed Jul 12 20:15:09 UTC 2023

I am unsure if DC is only a carry/use jurisdiction; it seems that, to
register a firearm, one cannot be legally blind, as the registration
requirements to register (and thus purchase/use?) a firearm,
regardless of concealed-carry, also seem to require no blindness:
"Individuals wishing to register a firearm in the District of Columbia
must complete a Firearms Statement of Eligiblity Form. This statement
of eligibility verifies the following requirements: [...] Not legally
(See 'Eligibility Requirements to Register a Firearm |
' at https://mpdc.dc.gov/node/1286876.)
I really wish I had access to my own westlaw now.

I agree that all barriers should be removed, with resources allocated
by priority (importance) and preference (rights/opportunities worth
defending by those wishing to defend).
I do not think this is nonsense, but do understand that other things
are [more/also] important.

Luckily, I have had decent jury duty experience: I was called for jury
duty twice:
once where I served - Federal (and made sure to mention that visual
evidence is not a deterrent when verbally described),
and another time where I did not serve - state (I think the prosecutor
did not want a legally-minded juror). Both times, I was somewhat
offiliated with the court in question, which is a strange coincidence.

I also encountered drivers' license requests:
I often provide my state id, note that I am blind, and ask them to let
me know if it is insufficient. There were some jobs where driving was
nonessential and accommodations made; and others where driving was
intigral without support and I did not feel like a good fit; and
others where I might have been rejected because I could not legally


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