[blindLaw] Marking Exhibits

Grecia Ramirez greciar57 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 15:03:22 UTC 2023

Good Morning, All,

Forgive me if this is a redundant post. I am a totally blind 
stenographer mostly doing depositions through a court reporting firm. 
What are solutions you guys have adapted when it comes to marking 
exhibits? Mostly for in-person proceedings, but remote as well.

I've been given to understand there's some kind of stamp you can put on 
digital exhibits for remote proceedings, but have no experience with 
those myself.

Are you guys just putting little Braille markers on when you do 
in-person? I need for both my firm and myself to be able to identify 
them at a later date, if need be.

Definitely interested in your ideas. The only other blind stenographer I 
know is in court, so the clerk handles all of that for her. If you guys 
know of any other blind stenographer doing depositions, am also really 
interested in their experiences and solutions.

Thank you all,


Thank you,
Grecia Ramirez, RPR, CCR
(470) 774-7967

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