[blindLaw] Fwd: Save the Date and Call for Presenters: National Federation of the Blind 2024 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Fri Sep 1 06:37:49 UTC 2023

>National Federation of the Blind logo and tagline live the life
>Save the Date and Call for Presenters: National 
>Federation of the Blind 2024 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium
>"The Right of People with Disabilities to Live 
>in the World: Emergent Barriers and Unrealized Potential”
>March 21-22, 2024, in Baltimore, Maryland
>Join us for interactive workshops and in-depth 
>plenary sessions as we focus on intersectional 
>representation in the disability rights 
>community. Mark your calendar, and plan to 
>attend March 21-22, 2024. Registration and hotel 
>information to open January 2024.
>Request for Plenary Speakers and Workshop Facilitators
>Submit a proposal to speak during a plenary 
>session or facilitate a workshop. Use the 
>following requirements and topics to help with your submission.
>·   Proposed plenary sessions should be no 
>longer than ninety minutes with up to three speakers.
>·   Proposed workshops should be no longer than 
>sixty minutes with no more than two facilitators.
>·   We strive to provide diverse and inclusive 
>programming, so please consider how your 
>presentation will encourage the exchange of 
>differing ideas, experiences, and perspectives.
>Broad Topics
>·       Technology in the workplace
>·       Telework and telehealth as a new form of segregation
>·       Access to the internet and digital accessibility
>·       Two years afterCummings v. Premiere Rehab Keller: the state of the law
>·       The impact of AI in the employment, 
>education, and healthcare of people with disabilities
>·       Creative thinking on ways to make good 
>law that is palatable to the current Supreme Court
>·       Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer
>·       Criminalization of disability, and 
>advocacy efforts for the rights of incarcerated people with disabilities
>·       Use of class action in IEP due process hearing cases
>·       Intersection of disability, race, sexual 
>orientation, and gender identity
>·       Disability rights and voting
>·       A year in review – key disability rights 
>cases and what they mean moving forward
>·       SCOTUS watch
>·       Religious freedom and impact on disability rights
>·       Litigation strategies, techniques, and 
>best practices in disability rights cases
>·       Legal strategies for enforcing disability rights
>·       Disability rights and education post pandemic
>·       The impact of racial, gender, and sexual 
>orientation on disability rights in education
>·       The future ofOlmstead
>·       Access to technology such as telehealth platforms
>·       Racial and cultural bias, and disability rights
>·       Issues related to the hybrid/remote workplace
>·       Creating inclusive spaces for people with disabilities post pandemic
>·       The impact of racial, gender, and sexual 
>orientation bias on disability rights in family 
>law, education, housing, and employment
>·       Insufficient data in health care system 
>and electronic records of people with disabilities.
>·       Bias of healthcare professionals towards people with disabilities.
>·       Barriers to immigration
>·       Impact of legislation on accessibility
>How to Apply
>Email a one-page plenary session/workshop 
>proposal on or before October 31, 2023, that 
>includes the following information:
>1. Name of presenter(s) and organization(s).
>2. Contact telephone number and email address for each presenter.
>3. Plenary session/workshop title.
>4. Description of the plenary session/workshop, 
>including its main goals, the relevancy and 
>timeliness of the topic/issues to be addressed, 
>whether you have presented the workshop before, 
>and how the speakers/facilitators/topics/issues 
>will enhance the diversity and inclusiveness of the symposium.
>5. Please attach a current CV and bio (if available) for each presenter.
>Submission Deadline:
>All plenary and workshop proposals are duevia 
>White,by Tuesday, October 31, 2023. Individuals 
>who submit a proposal will be notified of the decision by December 15, 2023.
>About the Symposium
>tenBroek Disability Law Symposium is the leading 
>disability law conference in the United States 
>that brings nationally renowned disability 
>rights advocates together. The symposium depends 
>on the inclusion of all viewpoints and 
>persuasions from the broadest spectrum of 
>individuals and organizations in the disability 
>rights community. Continuing Dr. tenBroek’s 
>lifelong pursuit of dignity, equality, and full 
>participation in society by the disabled 
>requires the thoughts and ideas of people from 
>diverse worlds and world views. 
>more about Jacobus tenBroek.
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>Email Icon Image
>Donate to the NFB Icon.
>National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells 
>Street | Baltimore, MD 21230 | 410-659-9314
>200 East Wells Street
>Baltimore, MD21230
>United States

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