[blindLaw] Inaccessibility and Confidentiality

Julie A. Orozco kaybaycar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 18:26:59 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all of your advice so far. Clinic is going well, and I
am learning plenty.

One thing is coming up sooner than I thought it would be a problem. I
am encountering inaccessible documents, of course, but all my tricks
for OCR are failing me. I am not yet sure why in this case, but my
first guess is that there is handwriting on this particular document.
No matter what I do, I can't get anything from jibberish from Jaws
when I try to read it.

This is client info, so I can't just send it to someone else, call
AIRA, or even get another blind person to take a crack at it. I have a
clinic partner, but I hate having to ask her for every little thing,
especially since this is supposed to be the assignment I agreed to do
myself. I'm sure some of you have to deal with this on the job. What
do you do when you have to maintain confidentiality and encounter
inaccessible client documents? In addition, what accommodations do you
ask for in these situations? Is a reader my best and only option? I
know a human reader could sign a form stating that they will keep info
confidential, and that's what I did in the past when I worked in a
similar position at my university.

Thank you for any advice,


Julie A. Orozco
MM Vocal Performance, 2015; American University Washington College of
Law, JD Candidate 2023

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