[blindLaw] request for advice to be better prepared for litigation work

Rahul Bajaj rahul.bajaj1038 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 06:57:19 UTC 2023


Good afternoon from New Delhi. I have joined the bar in New Delhi and have
been in active legal practice for around 14 months, in the areas of
intellectual property law and disability rights law. The feedback that I
got from the law firm where I work, albeit expressed subtly, is that I
should prepare better for matters, to be able to provide valuable inputs in
an ongoing conference or hearing. they said that asking for time to look
for the relevant information may just result in the hearing or meeting
becoming ineffective, and therefore I do have the unfair onus of going the
extra mile.

If you have 5 minutes, could you outline  what I could be doing more? I
have an intern who has been appointed specifically to address my needs. I
need to develop a system to be more practically useful in hearings and


Rahul Bajaj
Attorney, Ira Law
Senior Associate Fellow, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy
Rhodes Scholar (India and Linacre 2018), University of Oxford
Co-Founder, Mission Accessibility
Special Correspondent on the rights of persons with disabilities, Oxford
Human Rights Hub
Coordinator of the working group on accessibility, e-Committee, Supreme
Court of India

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