[blindLaw] Assisstibe Tech

Al Elia al.elia at aol.com
Wed Apr 24 15:02:36 UTC 2024

You ask about two different types of softwares:

Be My Eyes connects you to live   volunteers. There is no client-confidentiality protection involved there. It’s AI feature shares your images with a third-party provider with no ability for you to control that third-party’s use of data.

Seeing AI: This is a Microsoft product. It primarily runs on your phone, though it sends some images to Microsoft. Read the terms and conditions and see if you are comfortable using it.

Other similar services/software:

Aira Explorer: Uses paid agents and is a paid service similar to Be My Eyes. Aira has confidentiality provisions in some of their service contracts to allow business use by governments etc. Again, read the terms and conditions, but I suggest using this instead of Be My Eyes for any work where confidentiality/sensitivity is implicated. Just keep in mind that it can get expensive. However, it may be a reasonable accommodation from an employer, and may be more cost-effective than a traditional human reader.

Lookout: Google’s Seeing AI competitor. My comments re Seeing AI apply, just replacing Microsoft with Google.

I hope that is helpful.


On 23 Apr 2024, at 9:24, Thomas Dukeman wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone has used either Seeing AI or Be my eyes on legal documents with people's information on it and habe any issues with keeping confidentiality with it not sabving any of the confidential info on the documents?

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