[Blindmath] Press Release: MathType 6.5 for Windows is available

Jason White jason at jasonjgw.net
Thu Dec 4 09:25:48 UTC 2008

On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 07:52:22AM +0000, P. R. Stanley wrote:
> Okay, logical layout. In any case, Jason, it's a far simpler and yet  
> effective option in the long run, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, in the long run, it's well worth the investment, which is why I gave up
on word processors a decade ago so as to use LaTeX instead. Several
well-written articles have been published explaining why word processors, and
the wysiwyg approach they embody, are often inadequate compared with logical
markup and typesetting systems such as TeX/LaTeX.
> That's what I'm trying to get across here. I can understand some  
> people's reluctance to learn what is not that dissimilar to a  
> programming language. however, it's efort worth the time and energy. In 
> fact, it's probably less troublesome than learning how these fancy maths 
> editors work.

It is also true that TeX and LaTeX are likely to be around long after today's
fancy editors have been consigned to history.

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