[Blindmath] BN Info

Christine Szostak szostak.1 at osu.edu
Sun Dec 7 10:18:55 UTC 2008

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
  I apologize as the following is not directly science related, but is visual impairment based. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts, I would very sincerely appreciate any advice or time.

  I currently have an old BN BT, which is about at the end of its work-life. I am in great need of obtaining a new BN and want to go with that version. However, as a graduate student, the approximately $4,000 being asked for the 18-cell version is beyond my current means. Thus, I was wondering if anyone knows of methods of obtaining such a product that will allow me to afford the product (e.g., companies allowing multiple payments...). I am not affiliated with vision rehab and thus am not able to use their services. Further, as I would like to keep the product and not have to return it to such an organization, I would much prefer other methods. Any thoughts or suggestions again would be very much appreciated.
Yours truly,
Christine M. Szostak
Graduate Student
Language Perception Laboratory
Department of Psychology, Cognitive Area
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
szostak.1 at osu.edu

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