[Blindmath] Reading, Doing and Writing math for a newcomer

Philip So pcs2001 at caa.columbia.edu
Thu Jun 4 02:10:13 UTC 2009

Hello All,
My name is Philip.  I am rather new to this and would appreciate it
very much if you could advise me on how to make math texts accessible
by ear, do math and write math with the computer.  I began using JAWS
and reading very simple Braille 2 months ago.  Previously for many
years, I was able to read large print and had been using Zoom-Text.
My Bachelor's degree is in Economics, and I don't want my most recent
vision loss to stop my plan to pursue a graduate degree in a
quantitative-leaning social science field in the near future.
I have come across names like Infty Reader, Abby Fine, Chatty Infty,
WinTriangle, Daisy, Math Daisy, etc. and would especially appreciate
if you could share with me how all these work together to do the 3
tasks: read math texts, math equations and tables by ear, do math, and
write math.
Thank you very much for your very kind help.
Best regards,
Email: pcs2001 at caa.columbia.edu

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