[Blindmath] Future Engineering Student

Pranav Lal pranav.lal at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 08:42:01 UTC 2010

Hi Matthew,

1. Mathtype
This is a program that lets you enter equations into Microsoft Word. It
replaces Word's equation editor. I believe it is accessible.

2. Math player
This is made by the same company as math type. It interfaces with screen
readers to provide access to MathML. 

3. Mathematica
This is a program to do math and solve equations.

4. An audio graphing calculator
|This is a program that allows you to enter functions and then solve. Graphs
can be plotted and can be perceived using audio.

5. iFeel pixel software and Novint Falcon haptic device).
This is a tactile force feedback device. It may allow you to see graphs and
pictures but I do not know how well it works.

6. To add to your list, the vOICe
This is a visual prosthesis and can be used to perceive complex images.


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