[Blindmath] The Nemetex Back-translator

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Thu Sep 23 17:33:37 UTC 2010

Nemetex is designed to backtranslate Nemeth braille that has been produced 
on a braille display in a particular manner.  Math expressions must be 
tagged as computer braille in the manner supported by the braille display.

Backtranslation occurs in two steps.  In the first step the display's 
built-in backtranslator for Grade 2 braille text is used to automatically 
backtranslate the text (i.e. untagged) portions of the braille file. This 
translator doesn't modify the tagged math expressions.  In the second step 
the Nemetex software backtranslates the tagged math expressions to LaTeX.

Having the user explicitly tag math expressions makes backtranslation much 
simpler as it can be quite difficult for an automatic process to distinguish 
Nemeth math from Nemeth text.


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