[Blindmath] Teaching Undergraduates with Vision loss

Gerald Sacks geraldsacks at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 9 20:40:54 UTC 2011

Two years ago, I had the pleasure of having a long talk with Abe  
Nemeth, who taught math at the University of Detroit for many years.  
He told me that he had an graduate assistant to do grading (as do  
most sighted instructors). Regarding attendance, he assigned seats  
and learned his students' voices so well that when one who was  
cutting class arranged for his pal to stand in for him, he was caught  
redhanded. This was in the days before PowerPoint, but Dr. Nemeth was  
able to write on the blackboard despite his congenital total blindness.

> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
>   This winter I will be teaching an  undergraduate course. Since  
> many scientists and mathematicians frequently teach, I was  
> wondering if anyone has tips for teaching with out any vision at   
> the university level (e.g., tips on handling grading, attendance,  
> classroom interaction, PowerPoint, teaching visual material...).
> Many thanks,
> Christine
> Christine  M. Szostak
> Doctoral Candidate
> Language Perception Laboratory
> Department of Psychology, Cognitive Area
> The Ohio State University
> Columbus, Ohio
> szostak.1 at osu.edu

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