[Blindmath] Spoken math or braille math?

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Mon Aug 22 14:16:48 UTC 2011


You, Ben, and I seem to be miscommunicating.

>From your own perspective, not your math teacher's, do you want to read your 
math in braille or do you want to hear it in Jaws?

You don't need Ben's "home-grown" solution if you know Nemeth braille. You 
can simply write correct Nemeth braille math in Notepad using ASCII braille. 
For example if you write x caret 2, that is x^2, for x squared, it will show 
up on your refreshable braille display in translate off mode as the right 
dots for Nemeth braille including dots 45 for the caret.  And .k will show 
up as the right dots for the Nemeth braille equals sign.

(Remember, of course, that since you will be using translate off mode and 
your teacher will be reading this directly, you will need to write any text 
as print, not as contracted braille.)

Your teacher can read Nemeth visually just as easily as what Ben is 
suggesting by using the hints in the article I linked to earlier. Here's the 
link again:

In fact, if Ben is correct about using Jaws dictionary definitions, why not 
just teach Jaws some correct Nemeth rather than a made-up solution?

Best wishes,
Susan Jolly 

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