[Blindmath] Version 0.0.17 of SVGDraw01 is now available for download

Richard Baldwin baldwin at dickbaldwin.com
Tue Nov 1 21:11:04 UTC 2011

Version 0.0.17 of my drawing program for blind students is now posted at:
http://www.austincc.edu/baldwin/SWT-SVG/SVGDraw01.zip and is available for
immediate downloading.

The new material in this version includes:

Standard file open and save menus

Previous versions used a homebrew approach to opening and saving files.
This version uses standard SWT dialogs for opening and saving files. You
should already be familiar with such dialogs, so not much needs to be said
about this.

Instant display

An Instant Display is now available for blind users who want to explore
their drawings with a clean full-screen version of The vOICe software, as
well as visually impaired and sighted users, such as the teachers of blind

The Instant Display can be shown, hid, adjusted, and refreshed from a new
menu named Instant Display.

Running the programs

The downloadable zip file contains two programs:

1. The latest released version of SVGDraw01.
2. The prototype version of SVGExplore01.

The zip file contains the following files and folders:

A file named _ReadMeFirst.txt (this file)
A file named SVGDraw01.jar
A file named SVGExplore01.jar
A file named  _version.txt
A file named RunSVGDraw01.bat
A file named RunSVGExplore01.bat
A file named SVGDraw01Instructions.htm
A file named SVGExplore01Instructions.htm
A folder named jre6-trimmed

Extract all of the material from the zip file into an empty folder being
careful to preserve the directory tree structure. Don't extract into the
root directory. One user has reported problems accessing the Help file when
the contents of the zip file were extracted into the root folder.

Execute the file named RunSVGDraw01.bat to run the program named SVGDraw01.

Execute the file named RunSVGExplore01.bat to run the program named

It is not necessary for you to have Java or any other special software
installed on your computer to run these programs. You should even be able
to extract the contents of the zip file onto a USB flash drive and run the
program on any Windows system, Version XP or later, with 32-bit or 64-bit
hardware. Of course, you don't have to use a USB flash drive, I mention
that simply to emphasize the flexibility that you have with these programs.

When the SVGDraw01 program starts, you will land on Home Base from which
you can press F1 to open the help file, or select any of the actions
provided by the menus.

Instructions for opening the menus are printed on Home Base. Alternatively,
you can simply open the file named SvgDraw01.Instructions.htm in your
browser and read the instructions without running the program.

Open the file named SVGExplore01.Instructions.htm in your browser for user
information for the prototype version of SVGExplore01.

baldwin at dickbaldwin.com


Richard G. Baldwin (Dick Baldwin)
Home of Baldwin's on-line Java Tutorials

Professor of Computer Information Technology
Austin Community College
(512) 223-4758
mailto:Baldwin at DickBaldwin.com

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