[Blindmath] Audio scopes/light probes and other things may be useful to science people

Jim Shaffer jjs at jjshaffer.net
Fri Nov 4 17:40:44 UTC 2011

It can be processed with the K1000.  I have a .KES and .RTF version if 
interested.  It's unbelievable that it's not more readily accessible though.
Jim Shaffer
NLS Certified Literary Braille Transcriber
Pflugerville, TX
email:  jjs at jjshaffer.net
cell:  512-699-9251
skype:  cyber_blink
web page:  www.jjshaffer.net
facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1586793618
band page:  www.pgramblers.com/

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