[Blindmath] Version 0.0.19 of SVGDraw01 with AudioTac is now available for download

Pranav Lal pranav.lal at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 00:33:14 UTC 2011

Hi Richard,
My answers are inline.
> 4. I don't know if we need a display window with the name of the shape. I
> do
> not want that additional step of pressing enter to dismiss that dialog.
> However, as of now, leave it there since as far as I know, you would need
> to
> implement screen reader specific functionality to get the screen reader to
> speak the output without displaying it on the screen.

rgb] I would prefer not to require you to dismiss the dialog, but for now
that is the only way I know how to make it work. Maybe later I will learn
how to make Java speak on its own and not have to rely on the screen reader
for speech.
PL] Agreed but as of now, we have bigger challenges so let us park
self-voicing to one side.
> 5. This may be an issue of a lack of practice but we will need to make the
> tones used for each shape more different. I am ok with the 3 sets of tones
> in a given shape but a circle and a line can have remarkably similar
> This is currently mitigated by the speaking of the name and description of
> the shape since I can check what I am on.

rgb] Don't know if this will help or not, but the next release will allow
you to press the W key to switch between a wide-angle and narrow-angle
 probe. As it stands now, the wide-angle probe can be touching two or more
shapes at a time when they are close together or even when they cross. In
those situations, you will be able to press the W key and reduce the area
of the probe down by a factor of nine. The problem with separating
freaquencies more is that it doesn't take very many shapes to drive the
frequencies up to a point where they are very difficult to separate. You
suggested earlier using the sounds of instruments instead of single tones.
I am pondering using midi to use musical notes instead of pure frequencies.
I have much to learn in this area.
PL] I suspect midi is the way to go. I don't think the narrow angle probe
will solve this problem.

> 7. I still cannot import a file into my drawing. When I try to invoke the
> import option from the file menu or via its hotkey, nothing happens.

rgb] Can you zip and send a copy of the file to me and let me see what I
can determine?
PL] The problem was that when I hit enter on the import option from the file
menu, nothing happens so I am not prompted for a file to import. The problem
is fixed. I suspect this was user error. Sorry.  

> 11. Getting to the home position of a shape. Is it possible to get to the
> home position of a shape? For instance, for squares etc, the top left
> position, that is closer to the origin can be the home position while for
> circles and other curves, the home position could be the center. I am
> suggesting this feature since it is possible for me to move my hand in any
> way on a shape. Suppose I have a rectangle, I can move my hand in a
> circular
> motion. If this was a tactile diagram, I would feel the shape but because
>  I
> need to trace the shape here, I need some way of guiding my hand. I
> this becomes complex with paths and polylines therefore I am asking here
> to how do we show the shape and guide the user's movement?

rgb] I will have to think about this, but it is an excellent suggestion. In
fact, all of your suggestions are good ones and I will put them on the
to-do list.
PL] Thanks. This is the biggest challenge for me in using the audiotac


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