[Blindmath] More bugs/suggestions for SVG Draw

John Gardner john.gardner at orst.edu
Sun Oct 16 18:58:31 UTC 2011

Hello Dick.  I have a few more suggestions for improving SVG Draw.

1. Until you can put in the standard open- and save-files dialogues, you
should make CTRL-s for a new file revert to Save-as.  I have inadvertently
saved over previous files a couple of times.  It would also be good if one
popped up the previously saved file instead of the java directory when
opening a file. 
2. You now are using BELL to signal that something has happened.
Unfortunately BELL usually means that something has not happened.  So I
tried to find out why my instruction wasn't working when it actually was.
Perhaps you should use a double BELL for telling people that something has
3. When opening a file, one has to press buttons twice.  Once is enough.  In
fact I always press ENTER after finishing the path and name and then wonder
why nothing is happening.  Maybe it should?

Getting better though!

John G

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