[Blindmath] Reading and Writing Math

John Gardner john.gardner at orst.edu
Sun Apr 15 19:10:47 UTC 2012

Hi Pranav, thanks for the help with Jaws, which I don't use often enough to
really understand.  I have found the dictionary and inserted a test
character.  It speaks when reading line by line, but unfortunately it is not
spoken when arrowing to it.  There is lots of extra information on each line
of that dictionary, and I hope somebody on this list can point me to
documentation on how to set parameters.

As for the visual, well having done this before, I decided to opt for
clarity instead of compactness in developing the LEAN font.  Each character
is described. For example, the character 'bold' is just the word 'bold'.
Beginning fraction is a square bracket enclosing the word 'frac', etc.  I am
told that these need to be point size 14-18 to be readable, but at least
everything is obvious to the sighted reader.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pranav Lal [mailto:pranav.lal at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 9:12 PM
To: john.gardner at orst.edu; 'Blind Math list for those interested in
Subject: RE: [Blindmath] Reading and Writing Math

Hi John,

By a speak file, do you mean a dictionary that defines symbols and what to
say for them? If so, then you need to go to the dictionary manager and open
the default dictionary so that your definitions are applicable globally.

By the way, how does this notation look to a sighted user? My concern is
that if I was to use this then sighted users may not be unable to understand
my work. I assume you have some way of translating this to symbols that
sighted users understand?

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