[Blindmath] Blindmath Digest, Vol 73, Issue 14

Lucia Hasty lucia at tactilegraphics.org
Fri Aug 31 18:29:51 UTC 2012

Sean asked if there is a braille code for flowcharts. Yes, it is a subset
of computer braille code. Flowcharts become linear rather than produced as
tactile graphics. Unfortunately it is not posted for download on the BANA
website, but is available from American Printing House for the Blind.
*Computer Braille Code: Flowchart Design for Applicable Braille Codes
Supplement, 1992.*
APH; Braille: 5-24440-00; Print: 7-24440-00; Cost: $17.00

Lucia Hasty
Rocky Mountain Braille Associates
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Lucia at tactilegraphics.org

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