[Blindmath] FYI: BBC website article on Braille (and David Blunkett on Braille)

J.Fine j.fine at open.ac.uk
Wed Feb 15 11:21:52 UTC 2012


There's an article "Braille is spreading but who's using it?" on the BBC News website.

Linked from it is a 2009 article "Why Braille is brilliant" written by David Blunkett (former British home secretary, and blind since birth) to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Loius Braille.

Blunkett wrote that Braille was valuable to him because "when chairing a meeting it is vital that I have an agenda on my own that I can refer to without reference to someone else."  This gives me, as a sighted person, some insight into the difficulties blind people have when doing mathematics and how they can be overcome.


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