[Blindmath] measuring angles

Lewicki, Maureen mlewicki at bcsd.neric.org
Tue Jan 3 13:34:33 UTC 2012

Please give me some ideas as to how to teach a student to measure angles. I am using the American Printing House protractor, and the Graphic aid from APH(Consists of a cork board mounted with a rubber mat embossed with a 34 x 30 grid of 1/2 inch squares. ) I am constructing the angles with rubber bands, and push pins, or they are prepared using embossed angles paper. 

The process is so encumbered! Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, M

Maureen Murphy Lewicki
Maureen Murphy Lewicki
Teacher of Visually Impaired
Bethlehem Central Schools
"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another." Helen Keller 

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