[Blindmath] Fwd: [BANA-Announce] BANA Publishes Full Article on the Evolution of Braille [UEB?]

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Thu Mar 1 19:48:41 UTC 2012

If you haven't read the article referenced in yesterday's forwarded 
announcement, the bottom line is that BANA explains that its current codes 
are not extensible and they are thus considering adopting either UEB or 
NUBS. By the way, my information from other sources suggests that BANA is 
leaning towards the UEB.

The announcement states that BANA invites "your feedback and comments."

Here for your convenience is the contact information copied from the 
CONTACT: Frances Mary D'Andrea, Chair
Braille Authority of North America
Phone: 412-521--5797
Email: literacy2 at mindspring.com


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