[Blindmath] LaTex to Braille Printing

Andrew Stacey andrew.stacey at math.ntnu.no
Tue Sep 18 08:33:08 UTC 2012

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:16:55PM +0700, Duong Tuan Nam wrote:
> My professors have sent me latex in txt files. How to convert them
> into tex files?

tex files are nothing special.  If your operating system doesn't know better,
it'll think of them just as ordinary text files (they might no longer just be
ascii - full unicode support is possible) so just try them as they are.  They
might have to have extension `.tex` for the program you are using to recognise
them (depending on how sophisticated it is) but that's just a matter of
changing the extension if it is necessary.

Andrew Stacey

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