[Blindmath] University Math

Kartik Sawhney sawhney.kartik at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 03:07:27 UTC 2013


@Susan: While I know reading braille, I've not used it much for
academics. I haven't tried Math and Science using braille. I generally
write programs in C++ (using Dev as the compiler). While I can read
labels accompanying the diagram/graphic (which will be in braille), I
do not intend using it for rest of the text.
@Michael: I know braille, but am not a proficient reader. I would like
to use a computer for all my work as far as possible.

-Kartik Sawhney,
Mob.: 91-9560953728
Landline: 91-11-29811529
E-mail ID: sawhney.kartik at gmail.com (all personal E-mails);
kartiks2 at stanford.edu (all academic E-mails)
Skype: kartik.sawhney22

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