[Blindmath] CROSSPOSTED: BlueTooth Keyboard Quick Reference.

I. C. Bray i.c.bray at win.net
Mon Dec 16 03:42:01 UTC 2013

Message was CrossPosted to multiple groups.
Appologies to those of you who receive this in multiple listserv's.   

OK, for those who have not yet used a tablet or iPhone on iOS7  with a bonefide Keyboard.
I recently bought the Logitech bluetooth Tablet 
keyboard I P D.  
I have found that it works very very well too.  
I am not a Mac user, but I may switch soon... especially if voice over works as well as it does on MacBooks etc as it does on iPhone.  
Regardless, here is a quick reference sheet / website for all of the keys.
I have only found one or two that I can't get to work on the IPhone 4S in iOS 7
It helps to be very knowledgeable about gestures in iOS 7 before using a keyboard, but it makes facebook & text messaging & email wonderful!!!
Here is the link to the resource:
http://support.sas.com/misc/accessibility/education/ios/quickref.html#basicCommands Respectfully, 

I hope you find this helpful.
Ian  C. Bray
Louisville, KY

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