[Blindmath] A project to advance MathML support in browsers

Andrew Stacey andrew.stacey at math.ntnu.no
Thu Nov 21 08:00:00 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I'd like to bring to everyone's attention a project to advance browser and
e-reader support for MathML.  The project description itself is very detailed,
and explicitly mentions the issue of accessibility in the motivation section.

The person behind this project is Frédéric Wang.  He is one of the people who
has worked hard on MathML support in browser technology over the last few
years, so is best placed to know what the issues are and what the next stage
in development should be.  So if anyone is going to improved matters, he's the
best choice.

He's looking for funding so that he can spend some time concentrating on
MathML development and the website is on a crowd-funding site where people can
contribute.  The actual amount that he is trying to raise is not actually all
that much, particularly given the wide-ranging benefits that could follow from

I hope that all of you will consider supporting this project, and that some of
you will actually do so.

The website is: http://www.ulule.com/mathematics-ebooks/

Andrew Stacey

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