[Blindmath] Tactile embosser Resolution

Ian Chris ianchris.serve at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 06:53:42 UTC 2014

Dear List members,

I was studying the tactile outputs of a braille embosser, it says that the
resolution (for tactile embossing)  is 50 DPI, which in printing terms
shall mean that there are 50 dots in a length of 2.4 MM. In other words
there are 50 projections in a straight line if embossed in an inch that is
equal to 25.4 mm.This shall mean that the dot size is 0.5 MM in diameter.
All the above is just a theoretical assumption.

If i have to fit in 50 dots in a row 0.5 mm with no spacing in between my
assumption is that the dot diameter read the projection diameter or the
surface area is equal to 0.5 mm. Now if if have to distinctly feel each dot
there has to be a minimum separation between the two. I am confused if i
can get the resolution of 50 DPI in the embossing.

Experts may comment on the same as it is not leading to any understanding
of the embossing possibilities for one of my samples. also this is not
specific to a specific brand of embossers. The sample that i am working on
is also one of its kind and has no significance whatsoever but this
inability to understand is driving me crazy.



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