[Blindmath] Braille cell size n Interpoint printing query

Ian Chris ianchris.serve at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 15:07:52 UTC 2014

Dear Members,

I was looking for the braille cell dimensions and came across the sizes
adopted by various countries and standards, for eg:

 English Interpoint (braille on both sides of the paper) [9]2.292.546.00
10.411.4 - 1.5

The second column is the  center to center distance between dots in the
horizontal cell, the third is the vertical distance, the fourth column is
the distance between the center to center between the first and the second

This is for a standard 6 cell. the value of 1.4 to 1.5 is indicated on the
dot diameter column the one that shall be the diameter of the pin while
printing it on paper too.

I fail to understand how the interpoint braille is printed with theses
dimensions because as per this table the center to center distance that
shall remain free considering the 1.4 dot diameter is(2.29-0.7-0.7) = 0.89.

So if the clear distance that is available in between the pin 1 and pin 4
is just 0.89 mm. Please help me in understanding this interpoint printing


Ian Chris

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