[Blindmath] MyMathLab, MATLAB and calculus I homework

Kent Smith via Blindmath blindmath at nfbnet.org
Wed May 14 16:05:05 UTC 2014

Hello all, I am hoping to take calculus I in the fall and I have no
idea how to complete homework problem sets. All the homework is done
in MyMathLab (by Pearson), which someone told me is not accessible. If
so, does anyone know of any software that would allow me to type in
all the steps necessary to complete a problem, and then proofread with
a Braille display? I'd need software that would let me enter fraction
lines, functions, etc. with keyboard shortcuts, and I suppose it would
be nice if the software could then solve equations itself. My
preferred environment is GNU/Linux (with GNOME ORCA screenreader and
brltty driver), and I read on a post by Jared Stofflett that MATLAB
runs nicely on Linux with the GUI disabled. I've never used MATLAB, so
any insight or suggestions would be appreciated.
Kent Smith

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