[Blindmath] Looking for a particular type of person to ask questions

Sabra Ewing sabra1023 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 23:26:53 UTC 2015

I am looking for someone who was successful at learning higher level math courses in a high school or college settingwith in the confines of the class. If you got tutoring outside of class, that is fine, but I am looking for someone who actually went to a math class and benefited fully from it rather than solely relying on outside help.if you taught a blind student who you felt benefited fully from your class, I am interested in hearing from you as well.I want to know what happened inside the class to make you benefit from it. What strategies did you use as the teacher for the teacher use that you found effective as the student?did the structure of the class change to be more interactive for all of the students? If so, how? Is it possible for a blind student to fully benefit from a math class the way decided student would without changing the inherent structure of the way the school teaches?let's assume a traditional lecture teaching style here.also, what is it about a math class that makes it hard for you to get things from it?apart from verbalizing things on the boardis there anything you ask a teacher to do when you weren't getting something out of a class that was successful?also, could you please provide specific concrete examples rather then abstract statements? Thank you.

Sabra Ewing

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