[Blindmath] answer about LaTeX to html

Mathieu Barbe mat.barbe at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 10:20:13 UTC 2017

Hi all,

pandoc is a good solution to convert math.

Pandoc can convert markdown to html with mathml or mathjax.
For instance :

code markdown :

% My title
% My name
% 16 Feb 2017

# My equation and level 1

This is a sum :

$\sum_{i=0}^n i^2$

End markdown code

type in the command line :

pandoc -s --mathml source.markdown -o out.html

if you want mathjax instead of mathml, replace --mathml by --mathjax!

If you have LaTeX source you also convert in html web page.
however, if tex source contains specials commands, there may be errors.

command line :

pandoc -s --mathml source.tex -o out.html

The -s option ask to pandoc to generate header before your texte.

++ Mathieu

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