[Blindmath] Subscription Changes

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Feb 19 20:27:25 UTC 2017

Actually you can change your address in one step, there is a change 
address choice on your personal options page, link at bottom of each message.


At 01:39 PM 2/19/2017, you wrote:
>Good afternoon susan,
>If you want to change the email address of your subscription, you 
>cannot simply edit the address. You have to unsubscribe the old 
>address, then subscribe again with the new one.
>Hope this helps.
>On 2/19/2017 13:05, Susan Baron via Blindmath wrote:
>>I cannot seem to make subscription changes online. I want to change my
>>email address from susanannemooney at gmail.com to susanannebaron at gmail.com.
>>Thank you!
>>Susan Anne Baron

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