[BlindMath] Accessibility of Math in Bookshare books

Nina S sillynee at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 15:40:54 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

I’m writing to ask, very generally, about accessibility of books from Bookshare when it comes to Math. I’ve noticed that I can read LaTeX in some books using the Web rEader extension from Chrome, but I’m wondering whether this always works or if the format differs from one book to another. I’m taking an online course in discrete mathematics and have found this textbook:

https://www.bookshare.org/browse/book/1529940?returnPath=L3NlYXJjaD9tb2R1bGVOYW1lPXB1YmxpYyZrZXl3b3JkPWRpc2NyZXRlIG1hdGhlbWF0aWNz <https://www.bookshare.org/browse/book/1529940?returnPath=L3NlYXJjaD9tb2R1bGVOYW1lPXB1YmxpYyZrZXl3b3JkPWRpc2NyZXRlIG1hdGhlbWF0aWNz>

It looks like the 2nd chapter is quite readable, but I’m wondering whether I’ll meet obstacles along the way.

Thanks in advance,
- Nina

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