[BlindMath] FW: [orca-list] A web-based accessible graphing calculator. Hurray!

Rasmussen, Lloyd lras at loc.gov
Fri May 25 13:00:43 UTC 2018

We've talked about the work from Desmos on this list before. It looks like the promise of universally-accessible web apps is beginning to be realized.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Senior Staff Engineer
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542   202-707-0535
The preceding opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Library of Congress, NLS.

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces at gnome.org] On Behalf Of Joanmarie Diggs
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 2:06 PM
To: Orca List
Subject: [orca-list] A web-based accessible graphing calculator. Hurray!

Hey all.

I am currently at the week-long Web Accessibility of Mathematics
workshop at the American Institute of Mathematics. Just saw a demo of a
web-based accessible graphing calculator. It works with Orca. Hurray!!

Note that you'll probably want to toggle Orca's sticky focus mode on
when using it because when you use the application's command to exit the
entry and interact with the graph exploration utilities, the app gives
the focus to some nameless button and that triggers Orca to switch back
to browse mode. I've requested they add role="application" to the body
element (like Google Docs does) which would prevent Orca from bouncing
you out of focus mode. In the meantime, when I enabled sticky focus mode
in Orca, the calculator worked quite well. I'm curious what you all think.

Happy graphing!
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