[BlindMath] Accessible applications for R

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Tue Apr 2 05:21:34 UTC 2019

CXBvB> Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 20:02:04 -0700
CXBvB> From: "Cricket X. Bidleman via BlindMath" <blindmath at nfbnet.org>

CXBvB> I'm currently starting a statistics course, in which we are learning
CXBvB> R. I just installed R Studio and unfortunately, it does not seem to be
CXBvB> accessible with either JAWS or NVDA. Do you have any suggestions as to
CXBvB> applications I could use instead, or workarounds for this? Thanks so
CXBvB> much!

I would suggest Emacs, probably with Emacspeak
(http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/), and ESS mode for R

Good luck


If you sow your wild oats, hope for a crop failure.

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