[BlindMath] markdown

Godfrey, Jonathan A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Tue Aug 18 02:18:22 UTC 2020

Hello all,

I promised to get more information to people about using markdown.

I've discovered that my use of R means that I am getting the benefit of the added tools various developers have created. They only work inside R of course. <sigh>

Replicating the benefits outside R has proven interesting, and I think rewarding enough to suggest you take a look at the results (in html) and my findings at:


This web page has a link to the file I started with.

All commands to convert from one file type to another start with "pandoc" which is a necessary installation if you intend to run the examples.

I put all of the commands shown into a single batch file so that it processes the whole lot at once. If you don't want to use a batch file then you'll need to type the commands out at a command prompt.


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