[BlindMath] Job Opening for JavaScript Developer to Build Apps for Blind Individuals

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 19:07:29 UTC 2020


This is slightly off-topic, but there are some people on this list who may
be interested.

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is looking for a full-stack
Node JavaScript developer to primarily build apps for blind individuals:


The lab that is hiring is the Coughlan Lab:


You can see the papers and projects the lab is doing at the above link.

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
<https://www.ski.org/mission-statement> (SKERI) is a nonprofit research
institute that focuses on blindness and visual impairments. SKERI
researchers work on several areas, but the Coughlan Lab is focused on
building tools to help blind people become more independent.

Please apply on Indeed, and send any questions to:

jobs at ski.org

Thank you, and I hope someone on this list applies! SKERI is an amazing
place to work.

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>

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