[BlindMath] Geometry Tools

Li Zhou lzhou.backup at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 20:36:29 UTC 2020

I'm sending out the message below on behalf of my colleague Fred Otto. Thanks.

    At APH, our goal in product development is to address needs and to
provide solutions for students and teachers, whether through high-tech
inventions or simple hands-on materials. Before initiating a
development project, we establish whether or not the proposed product
targets and helps fill a recognized need in a practical way.

    We are interested to learn from math teachers, tactile readers,
and others whether they see a need for more tools to help students
draw geometric shapes on their own. Specifically, this means the
ability to construct a triangle, rectangle, or other polygon quickly
and trace an outline on paper or tactile film to produce an instant
tactile copy; to draw sides of specific lengths when needed; and to
alter the sides or angles easily to demonstrate the changes that

    If you have experience in this area, please consider the following

    1.  Does the ability to create and manipulate tactile drawings by
hand enhance students' grasp of geometric concepts in any meaningful
way, as compared to reading tactile graphics made by someone else?
Please explain.
    2.  Would the ability to produce images on paper or drawing film
offer any advantages over making shapes with a hook-and-loop board,
Wikki Stix, or other common tools?
    3.  What do you think are the important elements contributing to
tactile reading students' success in geometry?

    Please reply to Bobby at bfulwiler at aph.org by Nov. 30, 2020. Your
comments and insights will be very helpful to us! Thank you.

Fred Otto
Tactile Literacy Product Manager
American Printing House for the Blind

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