[BlindMath] Question concerning Mathjax

Noble,Stephen L. steve.noble at louisville.edu
Tue Oct 6 12:35:39 UTC 2020

You'll need to revert to an earlier version, like MathJax 2.7. It appears that the ability to change language is not working in the current version (MathJax 3.1).

--Steve Noble

From: BlindMath <blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org> on behalf of Niels Luithardt via BlindMath <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:00 AM
To: blindmath at nfbnet.org <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Niels Luithardt <niels.luithardt at googlemail.com>
Subject: [BlindMath] Question concerning Mathjax

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I have a question about Mathjax:
I converted a markdown file to .html using Pandoc and used Mathjax for
the mathematical formulas. Unfortunately, I cannot change the language
in the Mathjax menu; the field is greyed out. How can I change the
language in Mathjax?
I would be very grateful for answers!
With kind regards

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