[BlindMath] Reading Nemeth and Literary braille in same doc using BNT terminal

Monique A Coleman monique at vistaseducation.com
Fri Apr 9 14:38:42 UTC 2021

Hi There,

I am a sighted TVI who has introduced several of my middle and high school
students to using LaTex with JAWS and Math Type this past year due to the
switch to remote learning and lack of access to hard copy math textbooks. I
wish it didn't take a pandemic to introduce this technology to my students;
it has truly benefited them in many ways. Nevertheless, I am glad that they
are building these new skills before they get to college.

One of my students uses a BrailleNote Touch connected to his laptop as a
braille terminal to read his electronic files. When he is working on a Math
assignment, the Touch will read the math content in Nemeth, but the
literary content is in Grade 1. We understand that this is due to the fact
that his JAWS braille output setting is set to Computer Braille so that
math content will display in Nemeth.

Here's my question to this amazing community: Is there a way to toggle the
code settings between computer and grade 2 so that he doesn't have to read
passages of text in uncontracted literary braille? I'd appreciate any
insights and tips.

Thank you!

Monique Coleman, TVI
President, VISTAS Education Partners
Director, National Homework Hotline-BVI
Adjunct Instructor, San Francisco State University

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