[BlindMath] git, JAWS 2020

Hedvig Jung hedvig.jung at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 21:05:40 UTC 2021

               Dear Blindmath community members,

I am Hedvig Jung. I write you from Budapest, Hungary. I work at IT
area. I use as blind user screenreader JAWS for Windows 2020 in
Windows 10.

I would like to turn to you with my letter, because I would like to
ask for your help in using git 2.30.

I would like to read output of git bash with JAWS 2020.

I would like to get information, that how I can use the following
commands of git 2.30 with JAWS 2020:

basic commands to git: init, status, add, commit, checkout, branch

commands related to remote repository : remote, push, fetch, pull, clone

How can I read output of git bash with JAWS 2020?
How can I use above commands of git with JAWS 2020?

I would like to kindly ask you to send me please user guide of git
bash in written form, that how I can work in git bash terminal with
JAWS 2020.

My e-mail address:
hedvig.jung at gmail.com

                            Thank you very much for your help and for
your answer in advance!
Kind regards,
Hedvig Jung

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