[BlindMath] Learning High School Math

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Mon Jul 26 16:57:57 UTC 2021

BDvB> Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 19:27:11 -0400
BDvB> From: Bill Dengler via BlindMath <blindmath at nfbnet.org>

BDvB> It still exists, but the company that wrote it was acquired and
BDvB> has no interest in continuing its development.

You may try to lobby the company to release the source of the software
under a free software license - I am sure there are people who might
take over the development

Good luck


"Of course power tools and alcohol don't mix.  Everyone knows power tools aren't
soluble in alcohol..."
		-- Crazy Nigel

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