[BlindMath] BlindMath Digest, Vol 175, Issue 12

Michael Cantino michael.cantino at pcc.edu
Wed Mar 3 02:26:31 UTC 2021

OpenScad Question
I'm new to this list, and I get posts in the digest format. I'm not sure
how to send responses to specific posts, so any tips would be welcome!
I've worked a bit with OpenSCAD, but I only know the basics. I've created
some introductory learning materials for OpenSCAD
people are interested.
I have used this OpenSCAD braille label tool
<https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3490757> a lot. This file has been
remixed several times on Thingiverse <https://www.thingiverse.com/>, and I
added Nemeth numbers and some missing contractions to this version. It's
pretty easy to work with, and it makes excellent 3D braille labels.
In regards to "a way to code more than one plane", I'm interpreting this as
something along the lines of what Ken is describing, a step toward adding
or subtracting bodies along the surface of an existing body. Lots of
modeling programs let you create new planes on a face of an object, and you
can then begin building new objects on top of that plane. OpenSCAD is a
pretty robust program, so I'm sure there's a way to do this. For simple
models, you can just align and translate bodies without really needing to
use this function.
Hope that helps!

Michael Cantino (he/him/his)
Accessibility Specialist
PCC Disability Services

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